Hovione offers simple, patented and globally competitive dry powder inhalers – Disposable, Capsule, Blister and Large Dose DPIs – which are available for fully integrated turn-key development with formulation and for licensing.

Device technology innovators

Hovione holds over 20 years of inhaler technology knowledge and marketing experience on innovative inhalation devices. We have established partnerships towards bringing affordable world-class inhalation medicines to patients. Hovione has developed the first market approved disposable dry powder inhaler for influenza treatment in Japan, which has become a notable success story resulting in millions of patients being treated every year with our innovative inhaler technology.

Full range of DPIs: available off-the-shelf and with long patent life

Hovione offers a complete portfolio of platforms suitable for both innovator and generic developments. All our DPIs are simple to use, innovative and built from few plastic parts, which makes them cost-effective at global scale and reduces development cost and risk. They are available off-the-shelf, and also for integrated development with formulation and for licensing.

 Sunriser® - High Performance, High-Dose Capsule DPI
Sunriser DPI inhaler device | Hovione
  • Multi-use capsule-based dry powder inhaler

  • High-performance, fine particle fraction > 50%

  • Patent life up to 2038

  • Applications: Asthma, COPD, CF and others

Find more about Sunriser®

TwinCaps® – World’s largest selling disposable DPI
Twincaps device dpi drug powder inhaler | Hovione


  • Market approved, delivers Daiichi-Sakyo’s antiviral drug Inavir®
    and leader in Japan for influenza

  • Dose up to 2 x 30 mg

  • Patent life to 2027

  • Applications: anti-infectious, vaccines, pain, rescue and others

Find more about TwinCaps®

Large Dose DPIs – Disposable DPIs for high dose drug delivery
Large dosage DPI 8shot device inhaler | Hovione


  • For single or repeated delivery of high doses

  • Dose configurations: 2 x 50 mg in TwinMax, 8 x 30 mg in 8Shot

  • Patent life to 2038

  • Applications: antibiotics, vaccines, CF, IPF, pain and others

Find more about large dose DPIs

PowdAir® – Easy-to-use, multi-use capsule DPI
Powdair device DPI inhaler | Hovione


  • Extremely simple to use with automatic capsule opening

  • Industrial stage, available for off-the-shelf supply

  • Patent life to 2034

  • Applications: asthma, COPD, CF and others

Find more about PowdAir®

Papillon – Ultra-affordable, multi-use blister DPI
Papillon device DPI inhaler | Hovione


  • Single or multi-use and extremely simple

  • One or two separate blisters allowing single or combination therapies

  • Patent life to 2035

  • Applications: asthma, COPD, CF, anti-infectious, rescue and others

Find more about Papillon


Fully Integrated Solutions for Inhalation

An Inhaled product development requires successful integration of Particle, Formulation, Device and Advanced Analytical Characterization of the Drug Product. Under one single roof, Hovione provides customers the knowledge and experience in technology selection and finding solutions to maximize the success probability and meet the needs of the disease, the patient, as well as keeping within the development program’s deadlines and budget. We are equipped to address all challenges regarding small molecules and biologics, to supply different manufacturing scales and to provide integrated solutions from feasibility to commercial.

Contact our experts today to bring your Inhaled medicine to patients




Contact Us

Please contact us if you have inquiries about our offering


Related files

Hovione - Integrated Product List 2025.pdf
pdf (3.45 MB)

Also in Devices

Large Dose DPI

Disposable DPI for high dose drug delivery.


Papillon DPI

Ultra-affordable, multi-use blister DPI.


PowdAir® DPI

Easy-to-use, multi-use capsule DPI.


Sunriser® DPI

High Performance, High-Dose Capsule DPI.


TwinCaps® DPI

World’s largest selling disposable DPI.
