Press Room

News / Apr 12, 2021

Guy Villax wins EY Award “Entrepreneur of the Year”

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year is the world's most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs

Guy Villax Wins Entreperneur of the Year Award | Hovione

Guy Villax won the EY award "Entrepreneur of the Year" in Portugal and he will represent Portugal at the EY World "Entrepreneur of the Year", next June.

Upon receiving the award, Guy Villax stated that this is an important distinction for Hovione, above all it recognizes the team that built this company over the last 25 years, and he thanked and congratulated all Hovione Team Members for the success. Guy Villax also said that we are a company with 60+ years, with strong values, with innovation at its core, but to endure into the future it needs to be able to constantly re-invent itself: “A company that does not move forward, dies. You have to constantly look for opportunities, look for ways to stay ahead of the competition, and innovation is central to success”.
The EY Award "Entrepreneur Of The Year" was created in the USA in 1986 to recognize and encourage Entrepreneurs that are marked by creativity that invest themselves in a corporate project with vision and achieve success. In Portugal, the EY “Entrepreneur Of The Year” is in its 8th edition.


Votes are open for the election of EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ 2021:

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