Press Room

News / Nov 12, 2019

Celebration of Hovione’s 60th anniversary in Tokyo

at the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo – 12th November 2019

Celebrating 60th Anniversary in Tokyo | Hovione

On November 12th 2019, Hovione organized a scientific conference held at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, to celebrate our 60th anniversary and Filipe Gaspar, VP R&D at Hovione, was the Session Chair.


The conference with the title "Accelerating New Medicines to Patients in Need" had the following program:

  • Innovation at Hovione and Hovione Research Program
  • Knowledge Management, Modeling & Simulation
  • Corollary Case-Study - DMF for SDDs
  • Continuous Tableting
  • Fully Integrated Offering – One Site Stop
  • Digital Transformation as an enabler of speed and data quality

The day closed with a cocktail where we joined together clients, friends and stakeholders that make Hovione a great Company.





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