Press Room

ConsiGma® Connect

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - 08:00
Thursday, October 24, 2024 - 18:00
Location: Mumbai and Hyderabad, India

ConsiGma® Connect India is a premier event that brings together experts, innovators, and decision-makers from the pharmaceutical industry to explore the latest advancements in continuous manufacturing technology. Organized by our long-term partner GEA, this event is dedicated to showcasing cutting-edge solutions that aim to revolutionize pharmaceutical manufacturing by improving efficiency, reducing costs, and accelerating the time to market for critical therapies.

The focus of the event is to highlight the growing role of continuous manufacturing, which represents a significant paradigm shift in drug production. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the latest technological developments, operational benefits, and real-world case studies from industry leaders who have successfully implemented continuous manufacturing processes.

As a leading CDMO company in continuous tableting, Hovione is proud to contribute to this transformative event. Our expert, Dr. Sarang Oka, will be presenting on the real-world applications and challenges of implementing continuous tableting technology at a commercial scale.


On October 22 and 24, don't miss the session "Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing Continuous Tableting: A CDMO Perspective"

Abstract: Continuous manufacturing of tableted drug products or continuous tableting (CT) represents a paradigm shift in pharmaceutical manufacturing, promising increased efficiency, reduced costs, and accelerated pathways for drug approval. These opportunities represent an increasing incentive for technological adoption in light of an ever evolving, competitive industry environment. However, on the road to fully realizing these opportunities are also challenges, both tangible and perceived, that must be addressed in order to facilitate widespread adoption. Some well documented challenges, from an end user perspective include, higher degree of complexity in the operation, non-harmonious regulatory expectations, a more intensive cleaning operation compared to batch processing and challenges with implementation of online and real time process monitoring (PAT) technology.

The objective of this talk is to present a CDMO perspective on the aforementioned challenges and subsequent mechanisms to tackle them. This is done with the help of case studies including an example of commercial implementation of CT at Hovione. Hovione’s collaborative work with GEA on creation of tools that simplify manufacturing operations and increase equipment flexibility will also be shared. Concluding comments will constitute key learnings from the implementation of the technology at Hovione.

Key Learnings:

  • Learn about important considerations in commercial implementation of continuous tableting. This includes lessons learnt over the course of the lifecycle of implementation starting from installation of the equipment, through qualification, tech transfer and finally during commercial manufacturing.
  • Learn about the latest development from the Hovione-GEA partnership on continuous tableting, specifically, on a flexible approach to direct compression along with the latest advances in technology simplification.

Who Should Attend:

  • Individuals and organizations who wish to hear peer experience about the implementation of continuous tableting technology.
  • Current and aspiring practitioners of technology who are curious about operational challenges, and opportunities to tackle them. 


 Featured Hovione experts in this session  
Hovione_Sarang Oka
Sarang Oka

Production Senior Manager
Drug Product Continuous Manufacturing

Speaker Bio
Dr. Sarang Oka is a Scientific Fellow at Hovione where he is tasked with intensifying the implementation of continuous tableting within the organization. In his prior roles at Hovione, Dr. Oka was responsible was various functions at Hovione’s continuous drug product manufacturing installation (CT501) in East Windsor, New Jersey, including PAT, technical services and manufacturing operations where he successfully led the validation and tech transfer of a commercial program from one of Hovione’s partners to CT501. Dr. Oka received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Rutgers University. Dr. Oka holds a BS in chemical engineering from Mumbai University



Learn more about the ConsiGma® Connect in India.


You might be interested in:


The Future is Continuous

Meet our experts and find out if Continuous Tableting is right for your product.

  • Webinar - Register today for the most comprehensive three-part webinar series about Continuous Tableting (CT) for drug product. Hovione will be joining experts from Merck, Vertex Pharmaceuticals and GEA Group to present the "Opportunities, Challenges and Success in Implementing Continuous Tableting – From R&D to Commercial Manufacturing".
  • Scientific Article - Read our latest scientific article about Continuous Tableting - “Continuous Tableting and the Road to Global Adoption


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Lisbon, Portugal – Hovione, the specialist integrated pharma CDMO and leader in spray drying and particle engineering, today announced its commitment to setting Science-Based Targets (SBTs) in line with the Paris Agreement. This ambitious step underscores the company’s dedication to addressing climate change and driving sustainability across its operations. By committing to SBTs, Hovione joins a growing number of businesses taking concrete actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This initiative aligns with the company’s broader sustainability strategy and reinforces its commitment to scientific excellence. “At Hovione, we believe in science and in best practices. And this clearly applies to our sustainability agenda.”, said Jean-Luc Herbeaux, CEO of Hovione. We made the decision to drive our GHG emissions down using a science-based target setting process, which will help us drive sustainability across our operations by laying out a clearly defined path to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Agreement goals. We believe that by setting ambitious targets and implementing concrete actions, we can make a positive impact on the planet while driving innovation and growth.” Hovione will work closely with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to develop and validate its emission reduction targets. The company will provide regular updates on its progress towards achieving these goals. As part of its commitment to sustainability and transparency to stakeholders, the company will enhance its Ecovadis rating. Ecovadis, a leading sustainability assessment platform in the pharmaceutical industry, provides a comprehensive evaluation of a company’s environmental, social, and ethical performance, well aligned with Hovione’s sustainability ambitions.  Hovione remains dedicated to operating responsibly and contributing positively to society and the environment. The company will continue to implement sustainable practices across its operations and innovate to further improve its sustainability rating.   Learn more about Science Based-Targets  


Hovione Commits to Science-Based Targets for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

Sep 09, 2024