Press Room

2023 AIChE Annual meeting

Sunday, November 05, 2023 - 09:00
Friday, November 10, 2023 - 17:00
Location: Orlando, United States
AIChE 2023 Annual Meeting | Hovione

Meet Hovione team at the 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting and find their exciting presentations and Hovione’s latest research and innovations. The AIChE Annual Meeting is an educational forum covering a wide range of topics relevant to cutting-edge research, new technologies, and emerging growth areas in chemical engineering. We look forward to meeting academic and industry experts and exchanging knowledge.


Date: November 5, 2023

Oral Presentation 547b

Title: PAT Development Strategy in the Feed Frame As an Enabler for Faster Continuous Manufacturing Implementation
Presenting Author: Pedro Durão (Senior Scientist II, Modelling & PAT)

3:51 PM - 4:12 PM
Celebration 7 (Convention Level)

Oral Presentation 653f

Title: Modeling Continuous Film Coating Process in Consigma Coater: What Changes?
Presenting Author: Pedro Monteiro (Scientist, Formulation Development)

5:15 PM - 5:36 PM
Celebration 8 (Convention Level)

Oral Presentation 653g

Title: Model-Based Application for a Safe Scale-up and Equipment Selection on a Pressure Generating Pharmaceutical Process
Presenting Author: Frederico Montes (Scientist, Corporate Technical Services)

5:36 PM - 5:57 PM
Celebration 8 (Convention Level)


Date: November 6, 2023

Session 113 - Particle Characterization

Chair: Sarang Oka, Continuous Manufacturing Development Engineer

12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Bayhill 19 (Lobby Level)

Poster Presentation 198d

Title: Development and Application of Residence Time Distribution (RTD) Models for a Continuous Direct Compression Process
Presenting Author: José Granjo (Modelling & PAT Scientist)

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Regency Ballroom R/S (Convention Level) 

Poster Presentation 198v

Title: Cryo Jet Milling for Micronization Enhancement of Inhalation Particles
Presenting Author: Inês Gomes (IST), with João Pires, Filipe Vultos, Ricardo Velez (Scientists, Hovione) and Ana Azevedo (IST)

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Regency Ballroom R/S (Convention Level)

Poster Presentation 643g

Title: A Template for Investigating NIR Spectroscopy-Based Deviations
Presenting Author: Ankita Naik (Modelling & PAT Scientist, CM Process Development)

5:36 PM - 5:57 PM
Celebration 8 (Convention Level)


Date: November 7, 2023

Oral Presentation 500g

Title: Recent Advances in ASD Formulations: Combining Dispersome® Technology with a High-Throughput Screening Setup
Presenting Author: Inês Ramos (Senior Scientist, Formulation Development)

1:08 PM - 1:26 PM
Manatee Spring II (Lobby Level)

Oral Presentation 500h

Title: Amorphous Solid Dispersions By Spray Drying: From Early Formulation to Commercial Lifecycle Management
Presenting Author: José Luís Santos, Director, Technology Intensification

1:26 PM - 1:44 PM
Manatee Spring II (Lobby Level)

Oral Presentation 583a 

Title: Impact of Rheology and Process Variables on the Development and Scale-up of a Drum Filling Process for Dry Powder Inhalers
Presenting Author: Rui Churro (Senior Scientist, Process Development)

3:30 PM - 3:51 PM
Celebration 8 (Convention Level)

Oral Presentation 583d

Title: Droplet to Particle model prediction by coupling solution rheological characterization, CFD and Phase doppler analysis
Presenting Author: Márcia Tavares (Scientist, Process Development)

4:33 PM - 4:54 PM
Celebration 8 (Convention Level)


Date: November 8, 2023

Oral Presentation 74c

Title: Bridging Crystallization and Mechanical Properties to Particle Size Reduction Efficiency in Jet Milling Industrial Pharmaceutical Processes
Presenting Author: Gonçalo Marcelo (Scientist, Particle Engineering)

9:00 AM - 9:20 AM
Bayhill 19 (Lobby Level) 

Poster Presentation 303r

Title: Integrating Three-Fluid Nozzle Technology as a QbD Tool for Enhancing Advanced Respiratory Drug Delivery Formulations: A Statistical Modeling Approach 
Presenting Author: Rui Churro (Senior Scientist, Process Development)

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Regency Ballroom R/S (Convention Level)

Poster Presentation 84at

Title: Asset Intensification: Application of Modelling Tools and Methodologies from a CDMO Perspective
Presenting Author: Filipe Ataide (Senior Scientist, Technology Intensification)

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Regency Ballroom R/S (Convention Level)



Date: November 9, 2023

Oral Presentation 355e

Title: Controlled Crystallization through Microfluidization As an Alternative Particle Engineering Technology for Inhalation Products
Presenting Author: Gonçalo Marcelo (Scientist, Particle Engineering)

9:24 AM - 9:45 AM
Celebration 8 (Convention Level)

Oral Presentation 649e

Title: Use of Statistical Process Control to Drive Process Improvements in Continuous Manufacturing
Presenting Author: Ankita Naik (Modelling & PAT Scientist, CM Process Development)

4:58 PM - 5:20 PM
Celebration 8 (Convention Level)




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