Our Policies
Our Policies (Quality, HSEE, Human Resources, Innovation & Entrepreneurship) communicate and document our values.
Our Policies
Quality Policy
We are wholly committed to Quality. Our operations use capable processes, aim to be right first time and deliver without deficiencies (such as errors, repetition of work, failures and client dissatisfaction); so we assure the right quality and the safety of our products for patients.
Health, Safety, Environment and Energy Policy
Because the protection of people, facilities and environment is a constant concern and is strategic to our development, Hovione commits to manage its activities in accordance with the principles of protecting the health, safety and the environment.
Major Accident Prevention Policy
At Hovione we are very much aware of our responsibilities regarding accident prevention and follow a management policy focused on risk evaluation and control. We are fully committed towards actively preventing major accidents with dangerous substances.
Human Resources Management Policy
Hovione recognizes that people are its main asset and that the company continued success depends on the commitment, effort and professionalism of everyone that works at Hovione.
Third Party Code of Conduct
Hovione is committed to conducting business with integrity, transparency, and in a sustainable manner while respecting internationally recognized human rights. We expect our entire value chain—including suppliers, distributors, agents, and partners—to uphold the highest ethical standards and adhere to international principles such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s fundamental rights. Our Third-Party Code of Conduct ensures alignment with global standards, continuous improvement, legal compliance, and responsible and sustainable business practices. Hovione expects all its suppliers, distributors, agents, and partners to acknowledge the principles outlined in this Third-Party Code of Conduct. We believe that by collectively upholding these standards, we contribute to a more sustainable, ethical, and responsible global business environment.
Human Rights and Child Labor Policy
Human Rights encompass the essential political, civil, economic, labor, social, and cultural rights and freedoms that every individual is entitled to. Upholding these rights is a crucial aspect of Hovione´s sustainable business practices and its commitment to respecting internationally recognized Human Rights. Hovione is dedicated to upholding and respecting Human Rights across all operations, business relationships, and communities in which we operate, specifically prohibiting Child Labor and Forced Labor within our Company operations and value chain.
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Policy
Innovation lets us make better products and work better, leaner and quicker. Entrepreneurship turns risk into value and makes us more competitive.
Hovione’s Mission Statement
Hovione is a key link in the Pharma industry. We provide services and compliant products, we focus on doing well what is innovative and difficult, we aim to be recognized by customers, regulators and competitors as No.1 in the segments we target.
Code of Ethics
Hovione’s mission and the nature of its activities imply great responsibility. Hovione expects from all its Team Members a conduct in accordance to the principles of our code of ethics, our values and our policies.